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1000ml PhD Clean --- Pest Control Multi Cleaner

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0.00 LBS
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Product Description


香茅多功能(害蟲控制) 清潔劑
PhDClean (Pest Control) Multi Cleaner
經濟  實惠  潔淨  效力顯著  害蟲控制  消毒
Economic  Improve Pest Problems Sterilising
Sparkling Clean
針對害蟲 Target Pests
蟑螂 蚊 蒼蠅 螞蟻 老鼠
Cockroaches . Mosquitoes . Flies . Ants . Rat
PhDClean (Pest Control) Multi Cleaner - insecticide, pest repellent, disinfectant with Citronella. Safe and effective formulation to eliminate nuisance and disease-carrying insects and pests. This pest control multi cleaner has long lasting residual protection. It has deodorising properties and helps to disinfect.
含天然香茅成份,滅蟲殺菌配方,可直接或稀釋使用於電器設備. 家具. 廚房. 櫥櫃. 衣櫃地氈. 傢俬. 窗簾. 床框. 真皮表面. 鞋. 鞋櫃. 書架. 窗框. 鋁表面. 不鏽鋼. 汽車內外. 花園設施及玩具等等…室內及室外均適合使用。
PhDClean (Pest Control) Multi Cleaner all in one insecticide disinfectant formula can directly or dilute used for electronic equipment, kitchen cabinets, wardrobes, carpets, furnitures, curtains, bed-frame, leather surface, shoes, shoes rack, shelves, window frame, Aluminium surface, stainless steel, inside car, garden and toys, also suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

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